Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers!


You see us for all your dental hygiene needs, including, dental cleaning, scalings, root planings, periodontal cleanings, polishing, fluoride treatments and more. We take care of submitting your insurance claim form to your insurance company and we wait for the payment. If there is a balance, you are responsible to pay that amount. You are advised to visit your dentist once per year for a Recall exam with x-rays.

More and more we find that adult patients benefit from having a thorough scaling every 3 months. The importance of being plaque free is more evident than ever in order to achieve overall good health. However the interval of scaling is client specific.

Most people have coverage for 3 month scalings. However, the exam, polish and x-rays have limited coverage depending on the plan. Example: every 6, 9 or 12 months.  With your consent and as long as you are in the office,  we will be happy to call your insurance to inquire about your coverage.

Any product that has the CDA (Canadian Dental Association) logo on it. Avoid using a dentifrice with baking soda on a regular basis as it is abrasive and overuse may cause sensitivity.

No. It can only remove minor external stains and plaque. You need to do a whitening to lighten your teeth.

If your teeth are tight you may want to use a floss with wax. Otherwise, the un waxed should work fine. In other words, use what works for you.

We recommend using ultra soft bristles, as they are gentler on the gums, they are more flexible thereby get in more nooks and crannies. Stay away from medium and hard bristles. They are harmful to your gums and teeth.