Pit & Fissure Sealants
Naturally, our teeth are formed with pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces. When these pits and grooves become deep, they tend to be very difficult to clean and are one of the most popular areas to develop decay (cavity). Our sealant procedure is simple and done in approximately 5 minutes. The surface being sealed is properly cleaned and then etched with an acid solution that kills any remaining bacteria in the deep fissures. A liquid resin is then applied to those pits. Once all the grooves are covered, the resin is light cured and the procedure is done. By placing dental sealants on the chewing surfaces of the teeth, we can prevent any bacteria or debris from collecting in the pits or grooves. This procedure is usually done when the child’s first adult molars erupt, which is typically at around 6 years of age, and then again when the second permanent molar erupts, typically around age 12.
We can assure all parents out there that the products we use in our sealants are BPA free.